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Buffalo Bayou Above Barker Reservoir Channel Sediment Removal

Updated: Apr 6, 2021

Scope of Project:

Texas Dewatering (TXD) started this project back in April 2019 and completed the project on schedule in November 2019. The project consisted of restoring the drainage channel to pre-Hurricane Harvey condition. 278,112 cubic yards of built up sediment along the slope, top of the bank, and inside the channel was excavated and hauled off the project site to a designated disposal location. In addition, the project included 20,000 cubic yards of slope and top of road repairs, as well as lining armor stone along the toe of the bank. Throughout the project duration, 15 pieces of heavy earth moving equipment worked effortlessly to consistently move 400 truckloads a day throughout the adjacent subdivision both safely and without delay. We worked 6 days and week, 10 to 12 hours a day. This project was completed with no time loss and without incident.

Project Location:

Katy, Texas

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